Tuesday, March 20, 2007


In this experiment, the apparatus we are using, as shown below in figure 3.1, comprises of four major components:

  1. A hermetically sealed, reciprocating compressor
  2. A condensor
  3. A thermostatic expansion valve
  4. An evaporator

The refrigerant used in the refrigeration unit is R-134a and the condensor coolant used is water. Temperature and pressure at relevant state points in the cycle can be easily read off from a digital temperature reader and the 2 pressure gauges. In addition, refrigerant and condensor coolant flowrates can be obtained directly from flowmeters located on the unit itself. Finally, electrical power input to the motor can be obtained by timing how long the disc of the watt-hour meter take to complete one revolution.

Fig. 3.1 Schematic layout of experiment apparatus

1 comment:

venugopal said...

Looks amazing!!!! /I look forward to your feedback /thanks for this man it was very help.
Refrigeration Equipment